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The College of St. Scholastica

With You Wherever You Are

The College of St. Scholastica was founded by a group of intrepid and visionary Catholic Benedictine sisters and has since become a diverse community with members coming from all faith and belief backgrounds. The Campus Ministry Center at the College of St. Scholastica is animated by our Catholic Benedictine heritage and identity and in partnership with staff, faculty, and the monastic community, the Campus Ministry Center seeks to engage students of all faith traditions so as to: develop and empower faith-filled leaders, educate and mobilize for social justice, inspire and cultivate personal and spiritual growth, build and foster intentional communities so “that in all things God may be glorified.” (Rule of St. Benedict 57)

Campus Ministry helps students deepen their connection to themselves and the world around them as they put their spirituality into practice through faith, community, and service.


Feed your spirit. From weekly communal prayer services to quiet places to recenter, from retreats to individual spiritual direction, St. Scholastica students have a wide variety of ways to engage in spiritual practice with the support of Campus Ministry.

Catholic Liturgies and Sacraments

Prayer and worship are essential in the life of a Catholic community. No matter who you are or where you are on your journey of faith you are welcome to join our College liturgies. All are welcome!

  • Mass is celebrated in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel
  • Sunday Mass is celebrated at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Daily Mass is celebrated at 11:45 a.m. Monday through Friday

The College community is also invited to join the Sisters of the St. Scholastica Monastery for their monastic prayer.

Interdenominational Christian Worship

We offer weekly interdenominational worship. This is a time of worship and thought-provoking speakers, activities, and discussions where you can grow in faith and build relationships with other Christians on campus. All are welcome!


There are a variety of retreat opportunities offered for students throughout the academic year. Retreats give students a chance to relax, pray, worship, hear speakers, and discuss their faith. Retreats are free for students.

Spiritual Direction

In collaboration with the St. Scholastica Monastery’s Center for Spirituality and Enrichment, Campus Ministry is able to offer spiritual direction to students at no charge.

Spiritual direction is an opportunity for you to explore your faith/spirituality and to deepen your relationship with God. Spiritual direction is simply a conversation between two people, in which one person consults another, more spiritually experienced person called a spiritual director, about the ways in which God is breaking into their life.

Campus Prayer Spaces

St. Scholastica offers prayer spaces on the Duluth campus to meet the needs of the entire College community.

  • Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel, with its lovely stained glass, beautiful icons and contemplative silence, is a perfect place for personal prayer. While it is filled with traditional Christian imagery, all are welcome in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel.
  • The Oratory is a prayer room located in Student Center 115. It is a wonderful space for students to reflect and center where all are welcome. The Oratory is available for individuals or small groups.
  • The Musala is a beautiful prayer space in Tower 1603 specifically for our Muslim community members. The Musala is available for individuals or small groups. Community members may access this prayer space by contacting Campus Ministry.

Located high atop a wooded bluff overlooking Lake Superior, our Duluth campus provides a stunning natural sanctuary to pray in during Nature Walks. No matter the season, you are welcome to walk the trails through the Valley of Silence, pause in Gethsemane Cemetery, connect to the Chester Park trail system, or just find a spot looking out over the Lake.

A group poses at a St. Scholastica Campus Ministry Event

Campus Ministry Events

Students can participate in a wide variety of events that are centered around faith, community and service. You can get involved with fun activities such as Bible studies, worship, service projects and community building events. Campus Ministry events are also a great way to make friends and develop your leadership skills.


Find belonging. For Benedictines, everything, whether it’s prayer, relationships, or work, is centered within the context of community. At St. Scholastica, students are invited to join and participate in smaller communities as they foster relationships with others who share similar values and beliefs.

Saints Catholic

This student club is a place for students to be part of a Catholic community on Campus and grow in their Catholic faith through social gatherings, liturgies and prayer, small groups, retreats, and other Catholic events.

Christian Student Community

This student club is a place for students to be part of an interdenominational Christian community on campus. Students grow in faith and fellowship through small groups, worship, retreats, Christian concerts, and prayer opportunities.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

In response to God’s love, grace, and truth: The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Club is to build student communities and spaces to help students ask the big questions of life, get to know Jesus for themselves, and apply the Bible to issues we all face.

Better Together

This student club strives to increase cooperation between people from different religious, non-religious, and spiritual backgrounds by fostering knowledge, respect, and relationships through common action such as community service, information panels, speakers, and discussions.

Benedictine Friends

Benedictine Friends is a time for students and sisters to build community across campus! Benedictine Friends gives students the opportunity to gather and interact with the Sisters of St. Scholastica monastery through a variety of large group activities as well as small gatherings.


Put your faith into action. Students are encouraged to make a difference in the world as they live out our Benedictine Values and Catholic Social Teaching through service and justice. Volunteer experiences and opportunities are available across our St. Scholastica community, greater Duluth, and beyond.

Community Service Orientation (CSO)

An August Adventure centered around community engagement. Community Service Orientation is an excellent opportunity to serve the local community, develop new friends, explore campus and the Duluth area, and have fun!

Service and Immersion Trips

Campus Ministry offers alternative break experiences for students to serve alongside communities in need and explore the interconnectedness of our human family. Improve the quality of life of low income homeowners, learn about migrant concerns that individuals face when coming into the United States, or immerse yourself in culture and build relationships.

These trips allow you to experience a week of service and learning with other students from St. Scholastica. Travel to places like Louisiana, Arizona, California or Guatemala. Change your perspective through serving and make a difference.

Community Day

Each fall and spring, members of St. Scholastica give back to the community through a variety of service activities.

  • Like being outdoors? Spend the day maintaining trails, parks and gardens
  • Make pies, pasties or serve at a food bank
  • Help kids with their homework, conduct mock interviews for high school seniors or read to elementary school kids
  • Serve at local social service agencies
  • Meet with legislators at the state capital to advocate for the Minnesota State Grant Program

Student Service Clubs

CHUM Delegates

Being a member of the CHUM delegate student group invites students to engage in the work of CHUM and educate the St. Scholastica community about poverty and injustice in our Duluth community — and what we can do about it.

Loaves and Fishes Volunteering

Volunteer with a small group to share a meal with the community at Loaves and Fishes (Catholic Worker Community). During the academic year students volunteer at Loaves and Fishes weekly on Friday evenings.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for a place to volunteer? There are a lot of ways to get connected with local agencies and post-college volunteer programs who need volunteers to support their work in the community. Campus Ministry and Career Services work with students to identify local and post-college volunteering options.

Hunger Resources

Student hunger and food insecurity is a reality that many college students face across the country. At CSS we have Storm’s Cupboard which is an on campus food pantry and has resources to support students who live outside the Duluth area as well.

Storm’s Cupboard

Storm’s Cupboard consists of food items (non-perishable, frozen, and fresh) to sustain students for a short time. Storm’s Cupboard is available to any CSS student who requests it.

Want to donate?

Storm’s Cupboard is supported by donations from faculty, staff, students and the area community. If you’re interested in donating, please contact Campus Ministry for more details.


Woman holding candle

Prayer Request

Campus Ministry wants to support our community in prayer. We encourage you to offer your prayer requests so we may pray for you.


The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.