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The College of St. Scholastica

Transferring Credits


St. Scholastica will award class and course equivalencies to students based on the following criteria:

  • Receive a “C-” or greater in college-level courses including PSEO and CITS
  • Some programs (majors, minors, concentrations, etc.) may require a grade that is higher than a “C-” in order to fulfill a program prerequisite or requirement
  • Scores of 3, 4 and 5 on Advanced Placements (APs) Exams
  • Scores of 4, 5, 6 or 7 on International Baccalaureates (IBs) High-Level Exams
  • Score of 50 or better on the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

How Many Credits will Transfer?

St. Scholastica offers a generous transfer credit policy. We also offer tools and resources that will help determine how many credits will transfer and how your transfer credits will apply toward your intended program of study.

Transfer Guides

Check our list of transfer guides to help you with course planning and determine how your credits will transfer to The College of St. Scholastica.

Credit Transfer Tool

Use our Credit Transfer Tool to tentatively identify how many of your incoming credits may transfer.

Request Transcript Review

To start the evaluation process, you will need to send St. Scholastica a copy of transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have attended (with completed classes/grades). Unofficial copies of transcripts may be submitted for an unofficial transcript evaluation that may be helpful in your transfer planning. Contact an Admissions Counselor at to request an unofficial evaluation of transfer credits.

For an official evaluation of transfer credits, students must apply and submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities previously attended. An official evaluation of transfer credit is completed upon admission to the College.

Email official transcripts to Electronic transcripts must be from a certified electronic official transcript provider such as Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse or another certified, online transcript service.

Mailed transcripts must be in the original sealed envelope from the school. Mail to:

The College of St. Scholastica
Transcript Processing
1200 Kenwood Avenue
Duluth, MN 55811

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is considered a transfer student?

A transfer student is defined as a student who meets one of the following definitions:

  1. The student has enrolled in 12 or more semester credits after graduating from high school as noted on the official transcripts submitted for the application for admission.
  2. The student has other transferable credit earned post-high school which can include military service, work experience, College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests, etc.

I have Post-secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) credits and/or College in the School (CITS) credits, will they transfer?

If you completed college level courses through a concurrent enrollment or PSEO program, those credits may be evaluated for transfer to St. Scholastica. However, we need to do an official transcript evaluation to see exactly which courses will be accepted toward degree requirements. Students can also get an idea of what will transfer using our Credit Transfer Tool.

If I’m a PSEO student, am I considered a transfer student?

No, you are not considered a transfer student because you are a high school student concurrently enrolled in a college or university, however, your college/university credits will be evaluated for transfer to St. Scholastica. You will qualify for any and all first-year scholarships.

I completed an AA degree, what additional general education courses will I need?

Transfer students who complete an AA degree will have most of the general education requirements met. St. Scholastica accepts the AA degree to satisfy all Veritas general education requirements except one Religious Studies course (may be met by approved transfer course) and an Integrations course (upper division, writing intensive course taken at St. Scholastica).

See General Education Requirements below for information about transferring other associate degree programs.

Students admitted as first-year students on the Duluth Campus must also complete the first-year experience known as Dignitas.

Which credits will transfer?

College Coursework Taken During High School

College credits taken in high school can come in many forms, including Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO), College in the Schools (CITS/CIS) or Senior to Sophomore (S2S).

If you took college-level courses through a concurrent enrollment or PSEO program, these credits may transfer to St. Scholastica, as determined by the current transfer policy.

An official evaluation of transfer credit is completed upon admission to the College. If you have questions about how your courses/credits will transfer before applying for admission, please contact us to request an unofficial review of your transfer credits.

Completed Coursework (Transfer Students)

If you have taken classes at another post-secondary institution, your credits may transfer to St. Scholastica. Use the tools below to find out if your credits will transfer.

Which courses transfer?

Use our Credit Transfer Tool to see if your course will transfer and fulfill a general education requirement.

Transfer Guides

Check our list of transfer guides to help you with course planning and determine how your credits will transfer to The College of St. Scholastica.

Exams (Including AP and IB programs)

  • ACE: American Council on Education (ACE): Students who have taken courses, exams and other training recommended by ACE can request a transcript from ACE for possible course credit.
  • Advanced Placement (AP): The College participates in the Advanced Placement Program of The College Board. Advanced placement or college credit is given to qualified students on the basis of these examinations. To receive credit a student must take the test and receive an Advanced Placement score of three, four or five.View our Exam Credit/Class Equivalencies information to see how many of your credits may transfer.
    Access or request your AP exam score(s) be sent to The College of St. Scholastica.
  • The College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) is administered by the College Board. CLEP tests are available to prove mastery in more than 30 undergraduate college courses, including many general education and business courses.View our additional CLEP Exam Information to see how many of your credits may transfer.
    Access or request your CLEP score(s) be sent to The College of St. Scholastica.
  • St. Scholastica Challenge Exams: A degree-seeking undergraduate student may request the opportunity to take a “challenge” examination to seek credit for a course for which a CLEP examination is not available. Challenge opportunities are provided at the discretion of the department chair. Please contact your academic advisor for specific procedures to request a challenge.
  • DSST exams are college-level exams recommended for credit by the American Council on Education. Over 30 subject-level tests are available in diverse disciplines. View our DSST exam information to see how many credits you may be awarded.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB): Students who have been formally admitted to The College of St.Scholastica may petition for up to four transfer credits for each International Baccalaureate course completed with a Higher Level Examination grade of four or above on a seven-point scale. The related academic department at the College will determine the acceptability of a course.View our Credit/Class Equivalencies page to see how many of your credits may transfer. Access or request your IB score(s) be sent to The College of St. Scholastica.

Military Credits

Whether it’s through basic training or courses completed during your service, chances are if you’ve served in the military, you’ll have some credits to show for it. St. Scholastica makes a point to help veterans claim these credits and provides them with other services to make the transition from service member to student a smooth one.

Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard Service Members: Request official transcripts from previous accredited institutions, including your JST.

Air Force Service Members: Request official transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) and/or Air University.

If you plan to use education benefits, apply for VA educational benefits.

Prior Learning Assessments (PLA) Portfolios

Getting Credit for What You Know

The College of St. Scholastica recognizes that college-level learning occurs outside of formal school settings, and that students often acquire academic knowledge through past work, military service, on-the-job training or other experiences. In recognition of these legitimate modes of learning, students may earn college credit via Prior Learning Assessment. This option can save time and money on the journey toward a degree.

How Prior Learning Assessments (PLA) Work

  1. Develop a program plan with your advisor. Your first step should be to consult with your advisor. Your advisor will evaluate your past work and educational experiences to determine opportunities for Prior Learning Assessment.
  2. Complete a portfolio assessment. A faculty member will work with you to develop an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) that describes how your past experience meets the learning objectives of one or more courses.

General Education Requirements

Find out how your degree applies to our general education requirements.

Baccalaureate (BA, BS, BFA, BSN, etc.) Degrees

A previous baccalaureate degree from an institution that is accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or U.S. Department of Education fulfills all Veritas requirements except a Veritas-designated course (Integrations or Conceptions) from the Religious Studies pathway. A baccalaureate degree from St. Scholastica fulfills all Veritas requirements for a student pursuing a second major or a second degree.

Associate of Arts Degrees (AA)*

The College accepts all Associate of Arts (AA) degrees as satisfying the Veritas Foundations and Conceptions-level requirements with the exception of Religious Studies (may be transferred in) and an Integrations-level general education course which must be completed at St. Scholastica.

*Students admitted as first-year students on the Duluth Campus must also complete the first-year experience known as Dignitas.

Other Associate Degrees (AS, AAS, AFA, etc.)


The College accepts the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)  as satisfying the Veritas Foundations and Conceptions-level requirements with the exception of Religious Studies (may be transferred in) and an Integrations-level general education course which must be completed at St. Scholastica. Students completing an associate degree (AS, AAS, AFA, etc.) at any of the Minnesota Community Colleges are encouraged to complete the MnTC.


The College accepts all associate degrees awarded by the University of Wisconsin System as satisfying the Veritas Foundations and Conceptions-level requirements with the exception of Religious Studies (may be transferred in) and an Integrations-level general education course which must be completed at St. Scholastica.


The College accepts all Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees awarded by the state of Michigan’s community college system as satisfying the Veritas Foundations and Conceptions-level requirements with the exception of Religious Studies (may be transferred in) and an Integrations-level general education course which must be completed at St. Scholastica.

For students who previously completed the MACRAO curriculum the Veritas Foundations and Conceptions-level requirements will be met with the exception of Religious Studies (may be transferred in) and eight credits of Integrations-level general education coursework which must be completed at St. Scholastica.


The College accepts the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) as satisfying the St. Scholastica general education Foundations and Conceptions-level requirements, with the exception of  Religious Studies course (may be transferred in) and an Integrations-level general education course which must be completed at CSS. Students completing an associate degree (AS, AAS, AFA, etc.) in Arizona are encouraged to complete the AGEC.

Other States

Transcripts will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis and will be applied to the general education requirement. Courses lower than a grade of “C-” will not satisfy general education requirements.

*Students admitted as first-year students on the Duluth Campus must also complete the first-year experience known as Dignitas.

The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.