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The College of St. Scholastica

This page includes information you need to prepare and apply for graduation, commencement details, deadlines, guest information and degree status.

If you missed the 2024 commencement ceremony, you may still view the ceremony recording by clicking on the “Congratulations to our Graduates” button.

Spring Commencement

St. Scholastica will celebrate our graduating students at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center in the Amsoil Arena this spring.

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Feb. 28 — April 15, 10:59 p.m. CST: Cap and gown orders are due
  • April 4, 11:59 p.m. CST: MarchingOrder registration is due
  • April 4, 11:59 p.m. CST: Degree of Gratitude orders are due
  • May 5: Mass RSVPs are due
  • May 8, 11:59 p.m. CST: Online flower orders are due

Ceremony Information

In-Person Celebration

The in-person celebration will be a traditional, seated ceremony on Sunday, May 11, with unlimited guest seating. No guest tickets or guest RSVP needed. For those unable to attend in person, the ceremony will be live-streamed. The live stream link will be available the week of commencement and may be found on the “Congratulations To Our Graduates” web page (see the button above).

Schedule of Events

Saturday, May 10, 4 p.m. — Commencement Mass

Mitchell Auditorium

Sunday, May 11 — Commencement Ceremony

Duluth Entertainment Convention Center in the Amsoil Arena

  • Doors open for guests at noon.
  • Graduating students check in at 1 p.m.
  • Commencement Ceremony begins at 2 p.m. and will last approximately 2 hours. All graduating students are asked to stay for the entire ceremony. Out of respect for others, refrain from leaving during the ceremony.
  • Reception immediately following the ceremony.


Graduating students will check in one hour prior to the ceremony. Check-in is located in the DECC’s Paulucci Hall. Students will be sent additional instructions 2 weeks prior to the ceremony date. Guests may enter the ceremony venue and be seated while graduates are checking in.

RSVP’s Required

All graduating students are required to complete their MarchingOrder (MO) RSVP profile regardless of whether they plan to attend the in-person ceremony or not. If they do plan to attend the in-person ceremony and did not complete the MO RSVP, they are still allowed to participate in the ceremony. However, it is best practice to complete the MO RSVP to be sure their name is spelled correctly for the program and for their name card. All emails go to their CSS email address only.

Photography by Grad Images

St. Scholastica has partnered with GRADIMAGES to take photos of you during the ceremony and when you cross the stage. Pre-register for your ceremony photos and get 20% off. Visit GRADIMAGES to pre-register today!

Application to Graduate

In order to be awarded a degree or certificate, students must complete an application to graduate. Visit and search on “graduation application” for more information.

Commencement Mass

Graduates, please join us for our Commencement Mass on Saturday, May 10 at 4 p.m. in the Mitchell Auditorium. We welcome all graduating students of any religious or spiritual tradition to join us for this Mass of thanksgiving and celebration of your achievements. Graduates who attend will receive an oil lamp as a gift to symbolize the light you are carrying with you into the world.

RSVP to Attend Mass

All graduating students are asked to RSVP by the deadline listed at the top of the Commencement web page. Questions? Contact Campus Ministry.

Degree Status and Diploma Questions

Degrees will be awarded after all final grades are processed and all degree requirements are met. Track your progress to degree completion by logging in to your Degree Works worksheet. Contact your assigned academic advisor with any questions on your degree progress. Undergraduate students pursuing a minor should discuss their progress with their advisor and direct all questions to the academic department chair of that minor. Diplomas will be mailed to the address provided on the application to graduate. All graduates must report address changes to the Academic Records and Registrar’s office at

Please Note: Diplomas and Certificates will be delivered digitally from Mailed copies will arrive about 2 weeks later, depending on mail service. Tracking service is available through Parchment.

Cap and Gowns

The sooner you order your cap and gown, the better. Each cap and gown set includes 4 pieces – cap, gown, tassel and stole. Academic hoods and Latin honor cords are not included in the set. See the FAQs section below for more information pertaining to hoods and Latin honor cords.

First Deadline

Order your cap and gown before Feb. 28, 10:59 p.m. CST to receive $10 Off the regular prices listed below. If you choose to send your cap and gown set to the Saints Shop, the shipping is FREE.

You may pick up your set from the Saints Shop starting April 1 at the Graduation Fair. If you choose to have your set mailed to the mailing address you provided, you will pay an additional $14.90 for shipping.

Once you receive your set, be sure your set includes 4 pieces. If you are missing a piece, immediately contact the Saints Shop at If you are missing a piece at commencement, you will be asked to purchase a new one.

Final Deadline

The final deadline to order is April 25, 10:59 p.m. CST. After this date, limited stock and sizes will be available for purchase through the Saints Shop. Contact the Saints Shop today at

The cap and gown prices are as follows

  • Undergrad set: $57
  • Master set: $68
  • Doctorate set: $102

Shipping is $14.90.

Individual Tassels & Gold Stoles:

  • Tassels: $8.99
  • Gold Stole: $21.99

The 2024 signets for tassels, intended for those who graduated in 2024, have been ordered and will arrive in time for the Grad Fair on April 1-2. The 2025 tassels are easily removable, allowing graduates to replace them with the 2024 version as needed. This applies to both individuals who purchase a full regalia set and those who buy just a tassel.

Please contact with any questions.

Degree of Gratitude

Has there been someone who has gone beyond the call of duty to support you in the pursuit of your degree? Why not send them a Degree of Gratitude as a way of saying, “thanks”. Order up to three, free printed certificates.

Flowers for your Graduate on their Big Day

Beautiful bouquets will be for sale online or purchase them the day of the event. If you choose to order them online, you pick them up the day of the event. Pick up your pre-order at the entrance of the Commencement Ceremony.

Hotels and More


Search for flights directly into the Duluth airport. Some local hotels have free shuttles to and from the airport.

Search for flights directly into MSP airport. You may choose to rent a car or take the Groome shuttle transportation.


Holiday Inn & Suites Duluth Downtown

200 West First St.
Duluth, MN 55802
Near Bentleyville and Canal Park. This hotel is 2.6 miles away from the College’s main campus. Free shuttle within 5 mile radius of the hotel.

Fairfield Inn & Suites Duluth Waterfront

1000 Minnesota Ave.
Duluth, MN 55802
Near Bentleyville and Canal Park. This hotel is 3.8 miles away from the College’s main campus.

Canal Park

Canal Park has a walking trail along Lake Superior with lots of restaurants, shops and hotels that are within walking distance.

International Guests

If you would like to send your guests an announcement or an invitation, you may purchase your own online through the Saints Shop to do so. If your guest needs a letter for a visa to travel into the country, click here to fill out the form: Invitation Letter Request Form. If you have additional questions, contact Office of International Programs,; 218-723-5917.

St. Scholastica Alumni Association

The Alumni Engagement team will be at the ceremony to welcome our newest Saints! Please stop by our table to receive your alumni pin and a reusable bag.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Accessible Seating

Q: Is there accessible seating in the Amsoil Arena?

A: Yes, see DECC personnel for assistance.

Cap and Gown

Q: What if a graduate did not order their cap or gown or lost it?

A: Cap and gown sets are sold at the Saints Shop located in the lobby of the Amsoil Arena.

Ceremony Program

Q: Is a graduate able to attend the ceremony if their name is not in the program?

A: Yes, check-in at the color-coded table, according to degree, in the DECC’s Paulucci Hall.

Q: What if there is a mistake in the program?

A: If there is an error in the program, contact the Academic Records and Registrar’s office at

Q: I thought I was receiving a BS not a BA.

A: Contact the Academic Records and Registrar’s Office at

Ceremony Recording

Q: Are there recordings for sale?

A: Recordings are not for sale. The ceremony is uploaded to the College’s YouTube channel.

Common Ceremony Questions

Q: Is the ceremony live streamed?

A: Yes, the ceremony will be live and available to watch on the College’s YouTube channel.


Q: Where are the undergraduate Latin honors cords?

A: If an undergraduate is earning honors, they receive an email directly from the Registrar. Undergraduates who participate in the commencement ceremony will receive a complimentary Latin honor cord at check in.

Q: What do undergraduate students wear if they are earning highest honors?

A: They wear the undergraduate cap, gown, tassel and stole.

Q: Do Webster Scholar graduates order anything special?

A: No, each Webster Scholar will receive an honors diploma cover and a medallion at the ceremony.

Q: Where do I find veteran’s cords?

A: Veteran’s cords are mailed to the address CSS has on file for the graduate. Additional cords are available at the check-in table the day of the ceremony.

Degree of Gratitude

Q: What is “Degree of Gratitude”?

A: Degree of Gratitude certificates are a way to say, “Thank You” to someone who gave the student support while pursuing their degree.

Q: How many certificates can each graduate request?

A: Three certificates per graduate may be ordered by filling out the google form found on the commencement website. All three are mailed to the graduate’s mailing address on file.

Q: Who do I contact about a mistake on my certificates?

A: Contact the commencement committee at

Graduate Newsletters

Q: What if a student is graduating, but is not receiving any newsletters?

A: If a student is graduating and is not receiving any newsletter, here is a checklist to go through:

  • Has the student applied to graduate? If the answer is no, apply immediately.
  • If the student has applied, contact the Academic Records and Registrar’s office at
  • Refer to the commencement website for important updates.

Commencement Mass

Q: Is there a Mass? Where is it? What time is it? Who do I contact with questions?

A: Yes, Mass is located on campus in the Mitchell Auditorium at 4 p.m. Contact Campus Ministry with any questions at

Graduation Reception

Q: Is there a reception after the ceremony?

A: There will be a reception held immediately after the ceremony at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center in the Lake Superior Ballroom. Meet and greet faculty, adjuncts and the Board of Trustees at the reception.


Q: Where is my Hood?

A: Master graduates are hooded upon check-in the day of the ceremony. Doctoral graduates receive their hood upon check-in, process with it and are hooded on stage.

International Guests

Q: Where do I request an international travel letter for a guest?

A: Go to the commencement website. Under the title International Guests is a link to follow.

Q: Any questions?

A: Contact the International Programs Department at

Marching Order RSVP

Q: What is MarchingOrder?

A: MarchingOrder is software the College uses to make the ceremonies a better experience for the graduates and their guests.

Q: I already applied to graduate, why do I have to do this again?

A: Applying to graduate and RSVP’ing to attend the ceremony are two separate assignments.

Q: Are graduates required to fill out their MarchingOrder profile?

A: Yes. If the graduate plans to attend the ceremony, they must RSVP by filling out their MarchingOrder profile.


Q: Is anyone taking photos?

A: Yes, GradImages photography is taking photographs of each graduate. Graduates will receive an email regarding purchasing those photos within 2-3 days.

Q: May I take my own photos?

A: Yes, you may take photos from your seat. Please be courteous to other guests and graduates.

The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.