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The College of St. Scholastica

Our Goals

The Center for Teaching and Learning seeks to support the full scope of teaching and learning at St. Scholastica by:

  • Intentionally including full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and staff in its work
  • Offering professional development in a variety of settings and at a variety of times to reach the needs of individuals, programs, departments and schools
  • Promoting best practices across all campuses and modalities
  • Encouraging the use of active learning strategies to engender innovative and effective teaching and learning
  • Providing opportunities for all St. Scholastica employees to work and think collaboratively across the teaching and learning ecosystem, all in an effort to support student persistence and success

Services and Training

Individual Consultations

The CTL offers consultations to support faculty teaching needs. These consultations are designed as formative, non-evaluative support for faculty and are intended to nurture best-practice teaching methods.
Consultations are confidential and are not connected to the promotion and tenure process.

Classroom Observations

The CTL offers classroom observations for individual faculty members. These are collegial, designed to nurture discussion about best-practice teaching methods.

The observations are collaborative and non-evaluative. They provide faculty members with constructive, formative feedback on teaching practice.

In addition to being observed themselves, faculty members can request to observe other colleagues in their teaching.
Observations are confidential and are not connected to the promotion and tenure process.

Department Consultation

The CTL offers customized consultations for departments and programs. These are designed in collaboration with deans and program chairs to meet the needs of individual departments and programs.

Workshops and Events

Throughout the year the CTL supports faculty members in best-practice teaching methods. These opportunities allow colleagues to share ideas and to reflect on their own teaching practices.

The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.