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The College of St. Scholastica

MBA/MAM program clears the way for Thanuji Lewis’ future success

In 2007, Thanuji Lewis came to The College of St. Scholastica as a temporary employee.

But, by the time she left, she received more than just a few years of experience. She found a pathway for her future.

“As I got to know the professors and learned more about the programs available here, I was drawn to the MBA/MAM program,” she said. “They had great flexibility — I could take as many or as few courses as I wanted and complete the program on my own time, based on how it fit my life. For me, it was the perfect fit.”

Especially since it also included the quality education she was looking for.

“The MBA/MAM program challenged me to do my best academically,” Lewis said. “I received my best grades ever here because the professors and the program taught me to stay focused and challenged me to reach my maximum potential.”

And with some help from Career Services at St. Scholastica, she’s putting this potential to use at Target — where she has worked for the past three years as an Executive Team Lead while completing her degree, which she is slated to do this year.

“The program opened many doors for me,” Lewis said. “I was able to build my professional network and meet a lot of professionals in the community — most of whom have now become lifelong friends.”

The College of St. Scholastica

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