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The College of St. Scholastica

The College of St. Scholastica has added the COVID-19 vaccination to the list of required immunizations for all students participating in in-person curricular and co-curricular activities at its Duluth, Health Science Center and St. Cloud campuses. Earlier this month, President Barbara McDonald shared the College’s intentions to pursue a vaccine requirement once FDA approval was granted. Today’s announcement comes days after the FDA’s full approval of the Pfizer vaccine.

“Since the start of the pandemic, our Benedictine community has come together to care for and support one another in incredible ways,” said McDonald. “This decision was made to continue protecting the health and wellbeing of our Saints and to ensure safe, sound operations for our upcoming academic year.”

Students must provide a copy of their immunization record to the College’s Student Health Service office by October 22, 2021. On-campus vaccination clinics began on August 11 and will continue to be offered at the Duluth Campus in collaboration with Wal-Mart Pharmacies, St. Louis County Public Health and the Minnesota Department of Health.

In a campus-wide communication, students were also informed that details about a vaccine exemption process would be forthcoming. Those who choose to submit an exemption form will be required to participate in weekly self-testing and reporting.

Student Health Service clinic manager Christine Sandal is hopeful the decision will lead to thoughtful conversations between her staff and students who may have anxieties or hesitations about receiving the vaccine.

“We know there are students who are experiencing some vaccine uncertainty,” she said. “Our doors are open and we gladly welcome anyone who wants to talk through these uncertainties in a judgment-free way.”

The front entrance and stairs of Tower Hall
The College of St. Scholastica

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