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The College of St. Scholastica

What a terrific week we’ve had welcoming you all to the new academic year. Thank you for participating in the Saints Institute sessions and activities – many of you commented on our keynote speaker, John Marr’s message on the HLC and our value of hospitality. An inspiration to be sure. As you head into the long weekend ahead, we celebrate our employees and remember the critical role each of you play in the success of our students.

We are so very grateful for your engagement and for the ways you will be welcoming our students through our value of the year, hospitality.

Counseling Center Updates:

The mental health of our students is of paramount importance – and we at St. Scholastica are proud of the incredible work the JED Campus teams and our counseling/health services have in place. For your information: Mental Health Resources and Support for students during the 2022-2023 Academic Year can be found here.

MH Resources Duluth Campus Info Sheet

MH Resources Extended Online Info Sheet 

9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is now ACTIVE. Watch for new signage promoting this resource across campus. This nationwide initiative strives to increase access to mental health resources and support in the US. Those experiencing a mental health crisis can access a Crisis Specialist, who is trained to listen to and support each person through their distress with a focus on de-escalation, safety planning, and coping skills. To learn more about the 9-8-8 implementation please click this link from the MN Department of Health. Medical and Safety emergencies should still be directed to 9-1-1 or appropriate professional services. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact

Jed Campus Informational Sessions

Join us to learn more about this CSS initiative to create a campus-wide strategy to address mental health, substance use, and suicide prevention across campus. We are entering our third year of this four-year project and will be sharing the goals, accomplishments, and projects yet to come. Please join us to learn more about this important work happening on our campus or to learn more about how you might get involved. Contact Sarah at with additional questions.

Monday, Sept 12 from 12 (noon)-12:45PM – Tower 1117

Tuesday, Sept 13 from 12 (noon) -12:35

One Campus, One Read:

I am happy to share that once again we will be offering our One Campus, One Read initiative this year! After reviewing the survey feedback received last year, we have decided to read See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love.

In addition, on April 26th, 2023 at 7:30 pm as part of the Alworth Peace and Justice series the author, Valarie Kaur will be visiting campus. Mark your calendars! One Campus, One Read is a wonderful opportunity to read and discuss a great piece of literature with your colleagues, and an added bonus this year is to meet the author.

Please click here to sign up for this year’s read on or before September 12th. If you have any questions please reach out to Amy Bergstrom. Many thanks to Student Affairs and Academic Affairs for collaborating on this campus-wide initiative.

August Adventures Shout-Out:

The August Adventure Leaders have done amazing work inviting new students into the community and the magic of CSS.

SOAR, directed and planned by Shawn Olesewski of Outdoor Pursuit, served 43 new students. These students were oriented and guided through 7 days of rock climbing, canoeing, and backpacking adventures by a group of passionate and committed student leaders. They are:

Amelia Warmka, Chloe Smith, Cinneididh McIntosh, Clare Stevermer, Courtney Hook, Emily Wetzel, Emily Gertken, Emma Nolan, Fritz Kramer, Joe Tschida, Kendall Mack, Maddie Gonko, Mateo Arredondo, Mazzi Childers, Quinn Bruning, Tanner Levings, Tatum Severson, Garret Anderson. Morgan Mack, a 2020 graduate and fall 2022 PA student is our wonderful graduate assistant, and Elizabeth Becker, also a CSS grad came back to help. (Fun fact: Elizabeth and Morgan met on their own first-year August Adventure and are now besties!)

CSO (Community Service Orientation) directed and planned by Jessica Ellingson of Campus Ministry, served 17 of our new students this year. They spent 5 days serving in the wider Duluth community including Damiano Center, New Hope for Families, Loaves and Fishes, Safe Haven, and 2nd Harvest Food Bank among others. Their seven bold and Benedictine student leaders are Sonja Bedleski, Carissa Stark, Laura Verkuilen, Hannah Bradshaw, Marcaisia Mlenar, Katelyn Adamich, and Grace Billman.

MLO (Multicultural Leadership Orientation) directed and planned by Sarah Stewart of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Office served 31 new domestic students and 7 of our traditional aged new international students this year. They spent 6 days unpacking issues of systemic oppression and intersectionality and exploring themes of diversity, equity, community, connection, joy, and empowerment. Their amazing and committed student leaders include Israel Glenn (Summer Intern), Jaylon Oglesby, Maddy Franck, Jahiem Omeally, Isabelle Germolus, Cleo Koonce, Lauren Bliss, Yasmine Isaola, Alejandra Diaz Torres, Megan Soberanes Cortes, Jonas Abeleda (International Mentor), Mishell Benitez (International Mentor).

International Orientation joined MLO this year. Wynter Miller, Director of Office of International Programs collaborated with MLO for some of our traditional aged new international students. Working closely with student Danylo Sukhonos, they created an orientation for our older, new International students. Also special shout out to Taku Tavengwa who helped this summer, but has transitioned to her role as a Residential Assistant.


Opening Convocation is an important academic rite of passage for our incoming first-year class. Here is information regarding this year’s Opening Convocation, to be held on the first day of classes, Tuesday, September 6th, at noon in the Mitchell Auditorium.

To view the live stream of the convocation, click here. We look forward to seeing you as we welcome our incoming first-year class on this momentous occasion. Faculty, do you still need to RSVP for Convocation? Click here!

Have a safe Labor Day weekend ahead, I hope you enjoy your time with family and friends.


From President's Cabinet
The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.