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The College of St. Scholastica

Student researchers of the TRIO McNair Scholars program at The College of St. Scholastica recently presented their research at the National McNair Conference at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). From Wednesday, July 24, to Friday, July 26, students experienced an exciting lineup of speakers, workshops and presentations.

To prepare for the conference, students completed NSC 3777: Research Foundations and participated in the TRIO McNair Scholars Summer Research Program for 10 weeks. “It was a powerful and full-circle moment witnessing students fully leaning into their experiences and knowledge as they presented their research and built their network of peers at the 2024 UCLA National McNair Conference,” said Jessica Bortolus, assistant director of the TRIO McNair Scholars program. “Our scholars shared that they felt empowered by this experience, already exploring the next opportunity to enhance their professional narrative and bolster themselves further into the broader academic community.”

A transformative platform for student researchers

Weston Stoschein stands in front of his research poster.The conference provided a transformative platform for student researchers, including Weston Stoschein ’25 and Allie Lopez ’26. Stoschein, an Exercise Physiology major, presented his research, The Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Symptoms of Depression in Adults. “Attending the National McNair Conference at UCLA was definitely a milestone in my academic journey,” he said. “Looking back on the experience I am excited to continue to strengthen myself and grow in new ways this upcoming year.”

Similarly, Computer Information Systems major Lopez shared her innovative work, Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) Error Rates Across Languages and the Impact of Integrating Alexa with a Large Language Model (LLM). “Attending the National McNair Conference at UCLA was a transformative experience that introduced me to a range of new opportunities and career paths I had not previously considered,” she shared. “As I enter the fall semester, I am equipped with a renewed mindset and determination to fully engage with the materials and teachings available, with the goal of advancing my academic career and making a meaningful impact.”

Allie Lopez stands in front of her research poster.These presentations not only allowed Stoschein, Lopez and their fellow scholars to showcase their hard work but also provided them with an opportunity to engage with a diverse community of researchers, sharpen their academic focus and expand their professional networks, laying a solid foundation for their future endeavors.

About the program

St. Scholastica’s TRIO McNair Scholars program inspires and empowers the McNair student community to succeed in research, graduate studies and advanced careers. Serving students from The College of St. Scholastica, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Lake Superior College and the University of Minnesota Duluth, the McNair student community specifically includes first-generation college students with financial need and underrepresented students of color. This TRIO McNair Scholars Program is federally funded at $305,049 annually through the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information on the TRIO McNair Scholars program, including eligibility and application components, please visit the TRIO page.

Group of seven TRIO McNair scholars at a pier in California.