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The College of St. Scholastica

As we reflect on our core values, The College of St. Scholastica proudly introduces respect as the Benedictine value for the 2024-2025 academic year. This focus is a testament to the College’s commitment to fostering an environment that uplifts community values, celebrates shared humanity and enables a culture of mutual reverence and dignity.

St. Scholastica stands firm on the foundation of its Catholic Benedictine values: community, love of learning, hospitality, stewardship and respect. These values are not merely feel-good phrases; rather, they are the pillars of character instilled in students, staff and faculty alike. “At its core, the College’s commitment to respect is about the inherent dignity of every person as being created in the image and likeness of God,” said Associate Vice President for Mission Integration Sister Kathleen Del Monte, OSB, PhD. “It is this very dignity that calls us to actively engage in practices that uplift, support and affirm the value of all individuals.”

The Catholic Benedictine value of respect encompasses a holistic approach to human dignity. It guides the College community to cherish and promote the worth of all human life, treat every individual with dignity and reverence, honor and support each person’s spirituality, value the dignity of all work and promote the participation of all in decisions that affect their lives.

Embody the value of respect

Mural of the value of Respect.Looking ahead to the rest of the academic year, the College community is encouraged to embody the value of respect in various forms of campus life. For example, classroom discussions are expected to be platforms where every voice is valued, listening and understanding are prioritized and diverse perspectives are welcomed.

Sister Kathleen further emphasized why we seek to weave respect into daily life at St. Scholastica: “Integrating respect into all aspects of our daily life, from our academic curriculum, to our community engagement, to our leadership and beyond, will not only engender a learning environment in which all Saints belong but will also prepare our students to be leaders who value and embody respect in their future careers and communities.”

As the College embraces respect as the guiding value this year, we endeavor to further cultivate a community that thrives on understanding, compassion and human flourishing for all.

Five students study at a table in the Health Science Center. On the wall above the table is a display of the five values of St. Scholastica: hospitality, stewardship, community, respect and love of learning.