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The College of St. Scholastica

Please join The College of St. Scholastica in congratulating the following faculty members who will be awarded emeritus status upon retirement.

Faculty emeritus status is awarded to a select group of faculty members who retire from the College in good standing. It requires, among other things, “at least two important contributions the faculty members have made that constitute meritorious service to the College.” Nominations are reviewed by department chairs, deans and the vice president of Academic Affairs, who make their recommendations to President Barbara McDonald, Ed.D.

Congratulations to the new faculty emeriti!

Mr. Robert (Bob) Hartl

Headshot of Bob Hartl in 2022.Mr. Robert Hartl began his career at St. Scholastica in 2001. Bob has served the College in many leadership positions throughout his career, including interim dean for the School of Business and Technology in its first year (2006-2007) and again for the Stender School of Business in the 2021-2022 academic year. Mr. Hartl served as the department chair for the Management department from 2001-2010 and again from 2015-2017, as well as the program director for the MA in Management (2001-2010) and the MBA in Leadership and Change (2016-2023). Mr. Hartl co-founded (with Cecelia Taylor and Marty Witrak) the CSS Center for Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare (later renamed the Center for Healthcare Innovation). Additionally, he designed the curriculum for the current MBA in Leadership and Change program that was implemented in 2016. Mr. Hartl received the Max. H. Lavine Award for Teaching Excellence in 2011.

Dr. Angela Hauger

Headshot of Angela Hauger in 2015.Dr. Angela Hauger began her career at St. Scholastica in 1988 after receiving her PhD in Clinical Psychology. Since 1999, she has served as the Gerontology program’s director, growing it from just four to five students to what it is today. Dr. Hauger has served in leadership roles on the College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) for ten years, as Chair of the IRB from 1992-1997. Dr. Hauger also served on the Academic Program Review Committee from 2009-2020 and as chair of the committee from 2012-2020. She additionally served as the Academic Affairs Committee representative to the Board of Trustees from 2009-2012. Dr. Hauger has done much not only at the College but also to promote St. Scholastica as a leader in gerontology education throughout the Duluth community and beyond.

Dr. Tammy Ostrander

Headshot of Tammy Ostrander in 2015.Dr. Tammy Ostrander began at St. Scholastica in 1990 and has served over 33 years at the institution. At the College, she served as the inaugural dean of the School of Arts and Letters for 12 years. She established the Honors Program and served as its director for ten years. Dr. Ostrander has served the College in many additional leadership roles: COM/CTA department chair, interim Theatre program director, interim Music department chair, interim director of the Ireland in the Spring semester program, and the director of the Humanities major. She won the Excellence Award in Scholarship and Creative Work in 2018 and the Alumni Inspiration Award in 2022. Dr. Ostrander championed the creation of the Conor Reindel Memorial Scholarship, fully endowed in 2023, to honor a student and give a lasting gift to the College.

Dr. Lynda Spangler

Headshot of Lynda Spangler in 2015.Dr. Lynda Spangler began her career at St. Scholastica in the 1999-2000 academic year. Dr. Spangler has made significant contributions to the curriculum in the Physical Therapy department over the years, mainly drawing on her clinical experience in neurological pain management and treatment of individuals with spinal cord injuries. Dr. Spangler served as the director of Clinical Education for the PT department and mentored physical therapy students as they began treating patients in the maurices Community Clinic. Dr. Spangler has also provided administrative support and taught in the transitional DPT program.

St. Scholastica’s experienced, dedicated and distinguished educators, administrators and staff provide an enriching environment for students of all backgrounds and interests. Learn about their many accomplishments by visiting the faculty and staff page.

From President's Cabinet
The College of St. Scholastica

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