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The College of St. Scholastica
PA Medicine graduation in Mitchell Auditorium. St. Scholastica PA Medicine logo appears on a screen.

Minnesota Private College Council

Building a pipeline of rural health care providers

A group of St. Scholastica TRIO participants.

Duluth News Tribune

St. Scholastica fears future of federal funding for TRIO

From President's Cabinet

Faculty sabbatical, tenure and promotions announced for 2025-26

Medical team in discussion

Duluth News Tribune

Local View: From Dylan to dukkha, healthcare innovation ripe in Duluth

Laurie Anderson interviewing on The Lift.


Gratitude and positive psychology

The College of St. Scholastica logo


Teaching nurses and medics when the stakes are high

The College of St. Scholastica logo

Catholic Extension Society

2024-2025 Lumen Christi Award finalist: Sister Lisa Maurer from the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota

Headshot of Leah Prussia

Dr. Leah Prussia appointed as Chair of the Council on Environmental Justice and Human Rights

Faculty and staff clapping for graduates at Commencement.

Faculty and staff awards announced

From President's Cabinet

Faculty emeritus status awarded to four faculty members

From President's Cabinet

Tenure and Promotion 2024–2025

The College of St. Scholastica logo

Dr. David Marc to serve on national workgroup for AI Code of Conduct

Photo of the 2023 awards winners

St. Scholastica announces faculty and staff award winners

From President's Cabinet

Faculty emeritus status awarded to four faculty members

Feminism, Fatness and Fame

Headshot of Leah Prussia

Prussia named climate leadership award semifinalist

St. Scholastica names new director in college advancement

Headshot of Dr. Taylor Hazelbaker

Developing anti-racism in white youth

Group of Honors Program Graduates with Director Stephanie Johnson, PhD.

Finding life’s purpose in literature

Graphical triangular background

St. Scholastica’s upcoming colloquium to address language and identity

Kristen Bourne and Maria Stuber at a skiing event.

Kristen Bourne named WSF VanDerveer Fellow

St. Scholastica faculty member publishes diversity framework

Muslim Prayer Room at St. Scholastica.

Dedicating the Musala, a place for inclusion

Group of faculty and staff award winners.

St. Scholastica announces faculty and staff award winners

The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.