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The College of St. Scholastica

Choosing a college: The pros & cons of staying local

Do I need to take the GRE? 8 common graduate school admissions questions answered

What qualities make a good teacher? 8 signs you should pursue an education degree

6 hands-on STEM classes you can take at The College of St. Scholastica

Is it important to choose a major before starting college? The answer you might not expect

4 innovative teaching strategies for difficult lesson plans

6 unexpected jobs for creative people to keep the inspiration flowing

What can you do with an exercise physiology degree? 5 jobs to consider

Expanding horizons: How macro social work can transform communities on a large scale

The best nursing programs have these 6 things in common

Is college worth it? Learn the immeasurable outcomes of a degree

6 perks to earning your master’s in education online

The savvy Saint’s “Best Of” guide to Duluth campus living

Social work vs. psychology: Which humanistic career is right for you?

How to prepare for the GRE: 9 tips you can’t afford to miss

Happy Housing: 8 essential college roommate rules for a harmonious habitat

College of St. Scholastica

How to choose a major: Using your superpowers for good [Infographic]

What is organizational behavior? Learn more about the human side of business

College of St. Scholastica

What does ‘diversity in college’ actually mean? And 3 other questions we should be asking

Something for everyone: The 4 types of people who were MADE to live in Duluth

Is an MBA the best thing to help grow your small business?

College of St. Scholastica

Considering becoming a nurse? Here are 7 reasons to choose St. Scholastica’s nursing program

Considering a computer information systems major? Learn why NOW is the time to break into the industry

Is a master’s in social work the new law degree? Surprising insights you should know