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The College of St. Scholastica

You’ve decided that college is the next step for you and you may even know what school you plan to attend. Narrowing down your intended major can be fun but also a little bit intimidating as there’s much to learn and many academic areas to consider. After all, there’s a world of possibilities out there — so making a decision like declaring a major can be exciting!

When the time comes to select a field of study, there are a number of factors you can consider to make your decision a bit more clear. We created this handy infographic to help walk you through the process. Select which path you align with most, and you could walk away with a much clearer picture of the direction you’d like to head in with your college education. Once you’ve narrowed it down, you’ll be one step further on your path to a fulfilling career.

You can learn more about any of the majors highlighted below by reviewing The College of St. Scholastica’s schools of study and their corresponding undergraduate and graduate paths
