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The College of St. Scholastica

The College of St. Scholastica offers career exploration, internships, relevant experiences, document preparation and job search to connect and prepare students to be able to do meaningful work in their future careers. With the tools, resources, tips and strategies we provide, we help Saints to take the first steps toward a fulfilling career.

Career Services is here to assist and provide information for employers interested in developing internships with the college, alumni looking to give back by providing Saints opportunities in their industry, and for prospective students curious about the support they’ll receive at St. Scholastica.

Exploring Majors and Career Paths

If you’re interested in attending St. Scholastica but are still deciding on your major, complete our online career assessment. By entering your career and educational goals, you’ll learn about your interests, skills and values, and see how those aspects of self might correlate to various professions. If you have questions about this resource, contact our Admissions Office at


We understand and appreciate the importance of the role that you play as partners in preparing students for the workforce. Also, your engagement with our students is mutually beneficial, because employers receive access to quality candidates to fill their internships and jobs.

These candidates bring new perspectives and insight, an eagerness to contribute and a willingness to learn. And in return, our students learn valuable workplace skills and professionalism through their experience with employers.

Posting a Job or Internship

The College of St. Scholastica uses to connect employers with excellent student candidates. This resource allows your organization to manage multiple campuses with a single Handshake account and offers a mobile experience to make it easier to update your job postings, view applicants and more.

If you’d like a job or internship posting to be shared with students, please post it in

  • If you are new to Handshake, you can get started by creating an account at the Employers Handshake page
  • Once you have a Handshake account, you will need to add The College of St. Scholastica as one of your posting sites. Check out this brief tutorial to learn how to opt into St. Scholastica.
  • Once your account is all set up, you can begin to interact with students on Handshake! If you need some tips on how to effectively engage with students, Handshake offers some great advice to get you started!

Career Fairs and Events


  • Experience Fair — Sept. 11
  • STEM-Fest — Sept. 12
  • Business Career Fair — Sept. 19
  • Career and Internship Fair — Oct. 17
  • Government and Non Profit Fair — Oct. 25
  • Saints Health and Human Services Career Fair — Nov. 13

For the most up to date event information, check SaintsLife or reach out to

Tabling on Campus

Tabling is a great way to engage with students, faculty and staff. Your presence on campus is welcome and we look forward to working with you!

Please review our guidelines and registration procedure below.


Employers may only table one time per semester. Tabling is free and occurs most Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. We use SignUp Genius for registration. Reach out to for a link and access code.


All activities and materials must be in line with the College’s mission and may not conflict with any campus, local, state or federal policy or law. All employers will be reviewed for registration confirmation. The College of St. Scholastica reserves the right to create, enforce and change a registration at any time.


Free parking and Wi-Fi is available for all employers tabling on campus. We will send you an electronic parking pass prior to your visit. Please print the electronic parking pass and place it on the dashboard of your vehicle when you arrive. If you require any accommodations during your visit, you may send those requests to

Info Sessions and On-Site Interviewing

We encourage information sessions and on site interviewing. We can assist with room reservations, parking, food, Wi-Fi and other event logistics. Please reach out to to get started.

Photo of St. Scholastica Career Services staff


Take advantage of the wide array of services that The College of St. Scholastica offers alums to help you get started or make a change in your career path!

Or experience the reward of giving back to the St. Scholastica community of learners! As an employer, you can post jobs/internships, attend fairs or have a table on campus to help St. Scholastica students take steps forward in their careers.

Alumni Career Building Services

Your Career Resources 3X3

For up to 3 years after graduation, you can continue to connect with and utilize the many services and resources available through Career Services. In addition, 3 consultation appointments are provided to alums who are more than 3 years from graduation to assist with interview preparation, document review, career change, graduate school applications or other career-related needs.

Need a resume or cover letter review?

Feel free to submit to Response time is generally around three days.

Need a consultation with Career Services?

Career counselors are available for you three years after graduation and then on a short-term consultative basis. You can email us at to set up a time.

Need more information?

Contact us today at

Alumni Giving Back

Experience the reward of giving back to the St. Scholastica community! As an employer you can post jobs/internships, attend fairs or table on campus. This is an amazing way to help out current students. But as an alum, you have a few extra opportunities to help students take steps forward in their professional lives, such as:

  • Provide a career conversation for a student
  • Participate in mock interviews
  • Share your story through guest speaking
  • Support a Saint through a gift to the Experiential Learning Fund. These funds provide stipends for undergraduate students pursuing unpaid internship, research or participating in study abroad.
  • Donate clothing and accessories for our Professional Clothing Room to assist students in preparing for interviews, conferences and job fairs.

Sign up for these opportunities by emailing us at

A student at a career fair.

Current Students

You have incredible gifts and talents to share with this world. But, we also understand that you are each on your own career journey. Some are just beginning and some are transitioning to new opportunities. We will meet you where you are to assist you in taking your next step to pursue a career of meaningful work.

Getting Started: Opportunities and Services for Current Students

Career Services has a wide array of services and resources available for current students, including:

  • Major and Career Exploration
  • Application Materials
  • Interview Preparation
  • Internships/Experiential Learning
  • Job/Internship/Graduate Search Tools

Learn with Us

  • Review the self-paced career modules with rest of your courses on my.CSS.

Connect with Us

  • You can contact us at with any questions or to set up an appointment
  • Send your resume and/or cover letter to us at for review. It generally takes us about 3 days to respond with feedback, so make sure that you have plenty of time!
  • Stop in to see us at Tower 1130. We’d love to meet you and find out how we can support your journey toward a fulfilling career.

Join Us

Resources and Tools to Prepare Current Students

Launching with Confidence

Photo of the St. Scholastica Career Services Professional Clothing RoomOur services are designed to give you the confidence and expertise necessary to successfully navigate your transition to internship, job or graduate school. These include:

  • Professional Clothing Room
  • Headshot Station
  • Job Fair Preparation Session
  • Document Reviews
  • Mock Interviews
  • Employer Engagement
  • Experiential Learning Fund (ELF) (pays students who do unpaid research or internships $500-750 per student, 5-6 recipients, 20 applicants per cycle)

“Career Services has helped me in my professional development, from drafting my first resume, to funding my unpaid internship experience and preparing me for interviews.”

Eli Seehof-Flory
The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.