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The College of St. Scholastica

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Spotlight is where all things arts, lectures and culture come together at St. Scholastica. These events are open to everyone. Held primarily at the Duluth main campus, Spotlight venues provide accessible seating and accommodations to ensure everyone can enjoy these enriching experiences. Search the full Spotlight calendar for event details and ticketing.

Spotlight Calendar of Events

Upcoming Events



The Fine Arts Department and Music program at St. Scholastica sponsor student ensemble concerts, faculty and guest artist recitals, and student recitals.


Alworth Center for Peace and Justice

What is Peace?

The 2024-25 series of the Alworth Center for the Study of Peace and Justice takes a critical look at “What is Peace?” What does it really mean to live in peace? How is peace accomplished or sustained? How can we be better advocates for peace in our communities? This year’s series includes a film screening, a panel discussion, a lecture and a workshop.

More details for each of these events can be found by viewing the individual event details. Join us in the Mitchell Auditorium on Thursday evenings to be part of the conversation!

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These lectures are sponsored by the Alworth Center for the Study of Peace and Justice at The College of St. Scholastica and funded in part by the Manitou Fund, the DeWitt and Caroline Van Evera Foundation, and the Mary C. Van Evera Foundation Endowed Fund in memory of William Van Evera. With additional support from the Royal D. Alworth Jr. Institute at the University of Minnesota Duluth, the UMD Department of World Languages and Cultures, Reader Weekly, Duluth Sister Cities International and from other private donors.

Braegelman Program in Catholic Studies

The Braegelman Program in Catholic Studies at St. Scholastica explores the Catholic intellectual tradition with students and the larger community. All events are open to the public and free of charge. Please note the times and locations for each event. For more information, contact Kevin Vaughan at

Braegelman Program in Catholic Studies History

The three Braegelman Sisters were:

  • Sr. Benedicta born 2-18-1892 taught elementary school
  • Sr. Athanasius born 1-15-1895 served as Prioress: 1942-1954, and 1960-1966 She was also President of the Federation of St. Benedict 1966-1971, and Second Visitator of the Federation 1960-1966
  • Sr. Bernice born 5-6-1897 was a scripture scholar and professor at the College.

The naming of the Braegelman Program in Catholic Studies is a special point of pride for Sr. Mary Josephine Torborg, an associate professor in the School of Arts and Sciences; she is the niece of the Braegelman Sisters.

Oreck-Alpern Interreligious Forum

We cover topics such as the importance of courage, humility, creativity, vulnerability, and being unafraid of new ideas as necessary preconditions to the relationship and change which allow us to deepen our humanity.

Funding for the Oreck-Alpern Interreligious Forum is provided in large part by an anonymous donor and with special support from the Ben & Jeanne Overman Charitable Trust, as well as other gifts to The College of St. Scholastica.

About the Oreck-Alpern Interreligious Forum

In the Spring of 2005, a small group of St. Scholastica faculty met to contemplate the formation of an entity which would address interfaith and intercultural concerns, both local and global. Such contemplation was made possible by a set of generous donations to an Interfaith Studies fund within the College’s Imagine Tomorrow campaign.

A year and a number of conversations later, with the appointment of a director and the formation of a diverse advisory board, the Oreck-Alpern Interreligious Forum was launched. Renowned author Karen Armstrong spoke on the topic of religious fundamentalism to an audience of 800 at the Mitchell Auditorium in April 2006, with a community panel discussion at Temple Israel on the same subject following in May.

Both inaugural events were planned in partnership with interfaith organizations from the region who have laid the foundation for and continue to engage in this important work, the Arrowhead Interfaith Council and the Silver Memorial Lecture. The Forum envisions a collaborative endeavor with other organizations in the community, and a place people turn to for information and discussion of interreligious issues, particularly in times of conflict.

Funding for the Oreck-Alpern Interreligious Forum is provided in large part by an anonymous donor and with special support from the Ben & Jeanne Overman Charitable Trust, as well as other gifts to The College of St. Scholastica.

School of Arts and Sciences Faculty Colloquium

This free monthly lecture series was developed in 2007 by the College’s School of Arts and Sciences to highlight diverse faculty research projects. The presentations include a 40-minute lecture followed by 20 minutes of questions and answers. All colloquia are free, open to the public and held from 3:40 to 4:40 p.m.

Tickets and Venue



9 a.m.- 3 p.m., Monday through Friday

Ordering Tickets

By Phone

218-723-7000 – have your VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER card ready


Find your performance in the list below and click the “Buy Tickets” button to go to our secure online order form.

Performances with reserved seating will be assigned on best available basis. Ticket orders cannot be processed without payment.

PLEASE NOTE: When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. For inquiries please call the College of St. Scholastica at 1-800-447-5444 or 723-6092. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day you make your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution.

Refunds and exchanges are not permitted except in the case of program cancellation. Please note that in case of inclement weather, if the event is presented as scheduled, we are obligated to the performers and are therefore unable to offer refunds or exchanges.

Program, artists, dates and times are subject to change.

Child Policy

Regardless of age, all patrons must have a ticket. Unless an event is designated for younger audiences, children under the age of 6 years will not be admitted to the Mitchell Auditorium Performing Arts concerts. All children must be seated with an adult. Any person disrupting a performance or inhibiting the enjoyment of an event for patrons may be removed from the theater without refund.

Event Information

Free parking is available for all events. Visit our Directions page for maps, directions, and parking lot locations.

Late arrivals will be seated at the discretion of the artists’ management as a courtesy to the artists and to the audience.

House restrictions include cameras, recording devices, smoking, food and beverages. See the Mitchell Venue section for accessibility information, technical specifications, and rental information.

Mitchell Auditorium

The Mitchell Auditorium has state-of-the-art acoustics and excellent sightlines. The latest in technical equipment provides the ability to accommodate meetings, seminars, lectures, and other large capacity events, in addition to its primary function as a performing arts center. The auditorium accommodates 585 fixed theater-style seats in tiered rows. Accessibility provisions include assistive-listening devices and flexible seating for wheelchairs and scooters.

Venue Details

Seating Chart

Mitchell Seating Chart

Accessibility Services

The Mitchell Auditorium is committed to making its facilities accessible to all our patrons. For additional information or if you have questions, need assistance, or an accommodation not mentioned below, please call the Box Office Manager.

Accessible Seating

The Mitchell Auditorium Ticket Office staff is trained to assist you in acquiring seating that best meets your individual needs. There are wheelchair accessible locations, as well as transfer seats with removable armrests for those who would like to transfer out of their wheelchair. These seats are located on the main level adjacent to the theater entrances. The Mitchell Auditorium does not provide wheelchairs. Elevators are available to bring patrons to the theater level and to the upper seating.

Accessible Restrooms

There are two (2) wheelchair accessible restrooms located in the foyer by the main entrance to the auditorium. Wheelchair accessible restrooms are also located on the ground level near the main entrance to the building.

Assistive Listening Devices

Wireless assistive listening devices are available at no charge (subject to availability) for all performances at the Mitchell Auditorium. Patrons may request a headset from the ushers. Headsets may be used with or without a hearing aid.

Sign Language Interpretation

American Sign Language translation is available upon request, with at least three (3) weeks notice, and dependent on the availability of a qualified interpreter.


Parking for patrons with disabilities is available in the Mitchell Auditorium parking lot, in front of the Chapel and in front of Somers Hall.

Public Transportation

The Mitchell Auditorium is accessible by the Duluth Transit Authority bus system with the closest bus stop in front of Tower Hall by the Chapel. For more information on public transportation, visit the Duluth Transit Authority website.

Exterior view of the Science Center on the Duluth campus.

Rentals and Events Services

Are you looking for space to host an event? Whether you need a conference setup with breakout rooms, a board meeting with coffee service, or a lounge area for brainstorming new ideas, we have the facilities and capable staff to make your next event a success!

The College of St. Scholastica

Nondiscrimination Notice: The College of St. Scholastica is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment. We prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin and other protected statuses. View full statement.